Gifted and Talented
Program Overview
In its effort to fulfill its mission to promote high achievement and foster continuous growth as well as provide personalized learning opportunities, the Fond du Lac School District embraces differentiation.
Differentiation is responsive instruction that enhances learning and engages all students in activities that better respond to their particular learning needs, strengths, and preferences. Differentiation ensures the delivery of a high-level and powerful curriculum by adjusting the content, process, product, and learning environment for all students based on their readiness, interests, learning profile, and affect.
The Fond du Lac School District recognizes the need for differentiated alternatives for gifted and talented students. Recognizing and meeting the needs of gifted and talented students requires flexible and varied educational experiences in order to fully develop their intellectual, academic, creative, artistic, or leadership abilities.
Weiler, Terese
Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Email Weiler, Terese
Gifted and Talented Handbook
FdL GT Handbook
The Fond du Lac School District Gifted and Talented Handbook provides information about Identification and Programming.